
Nanophase Cerium Oxide polishing slurries will deliver consistent performance in your processes, reducing defects and rework costs caused by unstable, less robust polishing compounds.

Nanophase engineers particle surfaces to have high zeta potentials, ensuring that the particles can be efficiently dispersed down to a highly stable state. Tests performed in our Polishing Applications Support Laboratory demonstrate this consistency and its resulting impact on ROI.

Comparison of Slurry Polishing Performance Performance on Surface Quality

Over 36 hours of polishing, without topping off, Nanophase Cerium Oxide maintained excellent roughness with less than a 10% drop in polishing rate. At the same time, the competitor slurry dropped 30% after just 12 hours of polishing, and dropped down to just 1/3 of its initial polishing rate in 24 hours.
“Nanophase offers a novel product that helps us to improve our end product. They are really eager to work with you and are willing to tailor solutions to solve your manufacturing problems."

-Zach Hobbs, Sydor Optics
 Sydor Optics Logo

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